Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

21 June 2010

A Psi of Relief?

I gave in and bought some Psi Bands from Earth Fare last night. My nauseousness has gotten to where I'll try anything for it to just go away. When I tried them on last night (they are almost too small) I didn't think they were working. I tried some ginger chews instead which made me gag more. They are super gross! Today before I left for my mamaw's I thought hmmm I'll just try these again, it can't hurt. Well I was able to eat & not feel too nauseous. Then they started to hurt just a little so I figured I would take them off. Boy was that a mistake! As soon as they came off I felt like I was going to be sick everywhere. I put them right back on and felt better in a few minutes. Now if you are wondering what Psi Bands are then here is a small description. They are wrist bands that use acupressure on your wrists to help ease off nauseousness. It depends on the person as to how much it will help. Unisom helps me at night, but it knocks me out so I can't take it during the day, and I haven't gotten around to getting any B6 yet to try. That's next on my list though. These definitely help. I mean it doesn't knock it out totally, but enough that I can get through my day a little better. I swear my nauseousness has gotten worse and worse for the past almost week now. :-/ At least that means my hormones are going up like they should. *sigh*

12 June 2010

Heart Beat

So I've been pretty busy this week so I am just now getting a chance to post about my 1st Dr. visit, although I should be in bed. I was so sure I had an UTI, but when they checked me for it they said I didn't. It would've explained a lot, but the Dr. said that what was going on was totally normal. :-D Carlos got to come home for the appointment, thank goodness, after a lot of fighting and fussing with his Srgt. It was so amazing to get to hear the heart beat (173.88 bpm) & to see the little peanut that is inside me right now. *sigh* Carlos nearly started crying & I was speechless, just a happy smiling fool. Not a whole lot has been going on. I'm feeling a little more moody, & my tummy has gotten hard in the past week which is starting to make it uncomfortable to lay on my stomach for longer than 20min or so at a time. I have a feeling that soon I won't be able to lay on it at all. Which will kind of suck since I'm so used to sleeping on it. I saw my Aunt the other day. She is the only person in my family that doesn't approve of my husband. At least she is the only one that has told me so much. My husband is black & she thinks I'm going to hell for marrying him; yes she told me this about a week before we got married. Her, my mom, my gma & her hubby all went to eat for my gma's bday the other day & though my Aunt paid for my food, I might add she isn't my moms sister but my dads, she never said congrats or gave me a hug or anything when we were all talking about me being pregnant. I know I shouldn't care, but it just really hurts my feelings. She was always there for me my whole life. She helped take care of me & raise me when I was younger. I never in a million years would've thought she would end up being the one person to act like this, but I guess I'm seeing her true colors now that I'm older. Just goes to show you that you don't always know someone like you think you do even if they are family.

06 June 2010

Oh Well

Well today I puked for the 1st time. :-(  I hate throwing up SO much. Everything I ate all day just went down my toilet. Poor thing, it was a lot of food. Glad I realized that I felt sick before hand though, b/c I was outside in my car on the phone. That's the first time in my life I've ever made it to the bathroom to puke. That's about all I have to say about today. :-/

03 June 2010


That about sums up how I feel right now. :-( I'm not sure if it was something that I ate earlier or if I need to eat a little something, but my tummy is driving me mad at the moment. Lots of burps & rolling & feeling oh so sick. I wish sometimes, as much as I hate it, that I would just puke. I think that it would make me feel better. *sigh* I haven't really been having huge cravings, yet, but I have had some aversions to food. I can't eat salads anymore, or much of the healthy food I had started eating for that matter. It makes me sad b/c I love salads SO much, but if I try to eat one as my meal I can only make it through a few bites before I feel nauseous. I've started wanting whole milk instead of 2% or skim. I usually HATE whole milk, and my mom says she really hopes that I don't continue to want it after I have the baby. So do I mom, so do I. I will be 8 weeks tomorrow. YAY! My 1st Dr. appointment is in 4 days. :-) I hope everything's going along like it's supposed to. Carlos is supposed to be getting to come home this Fri-Wed so that he will be able to join me at my appt, since it's the only one he will probably get to go to. He finds out tomorrow if his pass was approved or not. *fingers crossed* So far I can still lay on my tummy to sleep or at least mostly on my tummy. I haven't gained any weight, but I can tell something has gotten bigger down in there. lol :-D I'm not showing, just look like I've gained weight. At least that's what I feel like anyways. I feel like a big ol fat cow! hahaha It sucks being a plus size girl that's pregnant b/c I feel like I have to tell everyone that I'm preggo since they can't, and probably won't, be able to just look and tell. I hope I get a cute baby belly though b/c I want to get pictures made. <3 That's all for now. I'm going to go & try to not feel so sickish.