Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

18 December 2010

4 Weeks Left!

Yup that's right, I only have 4 weeks left!!! O_o This time has gone by much faster than I anticipated it would. Right now on one hand I'm glad it's gone by fast, but on the other hand I wish I had time to enjoy it more. Though I will admit most of it hasn't been too enjoyable. Right now I want little Luna to wait until at least the 11th so that Carlos will make it home. I don't want her to come too late though. I am ready for her to get outta there! I'm ready to be able to breathe, sleep, and move normally again. *sigh* I know the sleeping will not go back to complete normalcy, but surely it'll be more than 2hrs of sleep/day.
So Christmas is coming up, and I just can't seem to get that through my head. With all the construction (should be finished in one more day thank goodness), and baby stuff going on Christmas is the last thing on my mind. My thought process on it is, ok Happy Birthday Jesus You rock let's move on. lol We have no decorations up, maybe like 2 presents bought, and no true Christmas spirit in this house right now. We'll have a week to gain all that. Let's see how that goes haha!
Back to baby stuff: I had my 36 wk apt today and found out that I'm 2-3 cm dilated & 50% effaced. So hopefully that means she won't be a wk or more late! :-) She knows when she's ready to come out though.

15 December 2010

Cat Naps & Construction

So I feel like all I can get sleep wise right now are cat naps. I've been actually going to bed earlier (for me thats around 12-1am), but I sleep for 3 hrs and wake up. Right now I've been up for 3-4 hrs, and I'm finally starting to get sleepy again. It wouldn't bother me so much, not sleeping at night, if there weren't construction in the house right now. Hopefully after today they will be finished putting in the floors, and then I can sleep peacefully again! I swear it feels like the home make-over has been going on forever! It started with what used to be a "junk/computer/office/studio" room that is now Luna's room. Then we moved on to the kitchen where our old cabinets were ripped off the walls & replaced with new handmade wood cabinets. The old ones were compressed wood, and they were about to fall in. Now the floors are being redone. The carpet was ripped up from Luna's room, the hallway, and the living room. That quick step laminate wood flooring is whats being put down. It looks awesome! Most days I've been able to get a little sleep with all the banging, but today the guys started playing the radio. Let's just say that country music does not help me sleep at all. lol I popped in my headphones with my iPod and rocked out to Trans-Siberian Orchestra while I slept wonderfully. Luna really enjoys listening to TSO :-) (and Lady GaGa!!) I think that it's just the heavy beats in the music, but still it makes me happy that she calms down and seems to enjoy the same stuff I do. Of course give her a couple years and all she will want to hear will be The Laurie Berkner Band and others like that. Though I don't hate on Laurie Berkner. It was the one "kid band" that my little cousin loved to listen to while I kept her that I actually liked. Anyway I'm going to try to get a few more hrs of sleep before the guys come banging around the house. Here are some pictures of the progress so far (I don't have any good pictures of the nursery before):
Kitchen Before

Nursery after

Kitchen after

Floor so far

02 December 2010

Get Outta My Ribs!

That's what I say to my little Luna nearly everyday now at least once. Amazingly, after some pushing from mommy, she usually moves out of them. Today is the first time that someone has actually noticed that I'm pregnant & said something to me about it. :-) That made me very happy. I haven't gained hardly any weight. I wasn't trying to not gain, but I haven't been going crazy eating every little thing I see either. I actually worry about not eating enough sometimes. In the 1st trimester I lost 5lbs, gained that back in the 2nd, and as of my last Dr appointment I have only gained 10lbs total. Nearly 5 of that is just Luna.

Today Carlos found out that he will be able to come home in Jan. for the birth. Though they are only giving him 10 days of maternity leave. Thank goodness he has almost 20 days built up so he can stay longer. We had been worrying that he wouldn't be able to come home b/c his unit is going to training for a month. Since his knees are messed up (thank you basic training, and Dr's that don't want to correctly diagnose) he can't go to the training. It's possible that he may not even be able to deploy w/ his unit when they go. We'll see how that one plays out though. If he doesn't deploy then I'll be moving a lot sooner than I had been planning on. :-/

I'm happy to say that finally my sick feeling nearly every time I ate has gone away. *knock on wood* I've been having some serious round ligament pain though, and that's driving me crazy! It's worse when I'm laying down on my left side. I can deal with it most of the time besides then.

I got a Doula!!! I'm helping her get 1 out of the 3 live births she has to attend to get her certification. :-D I'm meeting her on Friday. I have to get my days and nights switched by then lol. I'm naturally a night owl, and being pregnant has not helped that end at all. I can't wait to meet her though. I've talked to her on the phone & we've FB'd back & forth some. She is super sweet!

I can't wait until Jan so that I can meet Luna <3 It's going to be an awesome time indeed. Maybe she'll come on Jan 1 & be the 1st baby born in the County. HAHAHA That would rock though b/c you get all kinds of cool stuff, but I would prefer her to wait until @ least Jan 7 b/c that's exactly 1 week before her due date.