Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

01 March 2011

7 Weeks Into Parenthood

So around 7 wks old I finally got Luna to start taking 1 nap during the day on weekdays. (She naps on the weekend anytime we go out.) I hate it though b/c if I'm not laying down with her, I know I know sleep when baby sleeps we'll get to that, I just have to let her fuss it out. I say fuss instead of cry not only b/c it makes me feel better about doing it but b/c she is just fussing not screaming out in pain or hunger. Ok now I don't sleep when she is b/c I always have clothes to put up or diapers to wash or something I need/want to get done. I also get PLENTY of sleep at night. I get into bed b/t 11-1 and sleep until 10-12. Luna wakes up around 4-6 to eat, and after that feeding she stays in the bed w/ me. After she gets that one good long stretch of sleep she wakes up every 2-3 hrs to eat. It's so nice BF'g b/c I can just lay in bed while she nurses, and usually I fall back to sleep. :-) (Don't worry ya'll she sleeping in the crook of my arm, and I'm extremely aware of her all night long.) I never thought that I would end up w/ her sleeping in my bed at all, but she's just that sort of baby. Some nights she's a momma's girl and won't even let my mom (Mimi) hold her. Doesn't happen too often though. Everyone asks me, "Gah how different does it feel to be a mom now?" Just in case you are also wondering how I feel.... well I feel the same! I'm still the same person, I have the same morals & values. I still feel the same about how I want to raise her, and what I expect of her when she's older. The only things that have changed are small things like me supplementing w/ formula, sposies, and letting her sleep in bed w/ me. I know I could double stuff her CD's and be fine through the night, but I'm a scardy cat haha. So needless to say I'm still using a sposie @ night since I don't change her diaper for about 12hrs. (HEY it says on the box "12hrs" so suck it lmao)
I will say her formula supplementing days are about to come to an end!! I bought a decent electric pump to replace my hand pump, and I've been able to get a lot more milk. Still not as much as I thought I would, but I am pumping later the evenings so that's why. The one time I tried to get up and pump early in the am after Luna's 1st feeding she woke up crying b/c I wasn't in bed with her. I only got 1oz out in about 5min. If I could've pumped a good amount of time then I would've gotten a lot then! lol I have about 14oz frozen now so I should be able to start giving her BM in her nightly bottle in the next few days & still have a good stash. :-D
On my CD's. Lemme tell ya I got scared to use them after we used sposies for so long. (She was too small for her CD's for the 1st 4wks.) Once I used them and washed them for the 1st time though... WHEW they were much easier than expected!! Its so nice. I don't even have that big of a stash, but I only wash diapers about twice/wk. Luna doesn't poo much so I guess that's why. Well that and since I'm using sposies @ night. One day I'll get up the guts to double stuff, and I won't be scared she'll leak pee in my bed. LOL