Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

17 August 2010

IT'S A....

GIRL! :-) I had my US yesterday. There were supposed to be 3 people going w/ me, but it slowly trickled down to just my mom. Which was great after we got to that room b/c it was SO small. It was amazing getting to see this booger finally, but she wouldn't stay very still. In fact she moved so much I have to go back in for another US, b/c they couldn't get a picture of her heart. *sigh* She's going to be a mover... and a runner... and probably a screamer. Oh well, it's what Im' prepared for since Carlos & I both were hyper active kids. Of course now we both like to sit around on the computer, but childhood... different story! Her HB was around 154 I believe. I was in awe so I don't remember exactly. Hopefully Carlos will get to go w/ me to the next US sound though since it's on the 30th & if he is coming home to help me move he should be back by then. I'll have 2 appts that day. My first is w/ my Dr, just a check up @ 10. The other is the US @ 2. It's going to be a busy busy day then. Let's just say I'm not drinking any caffeine this time, and I'm going to try to remember to not drink any the day before.

Everyone keeps asking me now what we're naming her. What names have we come up with. I mean we have one picked out that will (90% sure) end up being what we call her, but that doesn't mean I want to share it with the world right now. I still have almost 5 months to go, and the name could change at any given moment. We're also going to have a boy name picked out just in case. I've heard though that if they tell you it's a girl, then it's a girl. It's only when they tell you it's a boy that it can change.

Ok so now on to how I told Carlos. I decided that it was best for him and me to find out together, even though he couldn't be there. I had the nurse write down what it was on a note card, fold it in 1/2, and seal it in an envelope. The nurse also sealed the pictures of in between her legs. 2 hours later I finally got to open it on Skype w/ Carlos. Mind you my mom knew the entire time. She was the only one that did, besides the nurse. After I untapped the envelope I closed my eyes, pulled out the note card, opened it, and asked Carlos, "What does it say?" "It's a girl," was the answer he gave me. :-) I had to laugh in his face just a little bit since I was victorious in the "what sex is the baby game." Hey he started it!!

10 August 2010

Long Awaited

So I haven't posted in a bit, but life has been hectic lately. Trying to get everything packed and ready for my big move to TX.
I've just started being able to feel how big my uterus is getting, and I have baby brain hella bad! I haven't really gained any weight except gaining back the 5 lbs I had lost. *knock on wood* I'm not sure if I've felt the baby yet, I think I have, but it's hard to tell. I'm strangely still comfortable laying on my tummy, which I've read is safe so long as it is comfortable. I've finally been able to eat fish again *YAY!* My birthday was this past Sunday, and I get the best present ever on Monday Aug 16. That's the day of my US, and I find out what I'm having!!!!! I've decided to take a note card & envelope with me so that they can write down what I'm having, show it to the people that I take, seal it in the envelope, and I'll open it on Skype w/ my hubby that night. I'm going to let him tell me what we're having. :-) That way he can feel like he is a part of it in some way. I'm so excited about that day I could burst. I'm almost as excited about getting a nice relaxing haircut 2 days later, but it's just b/c it is much needed! *they haircut & the relaxing* I'm not looking forward to the 18-20 hr drive, I'm staying the night somewhere not doing it straight, but I'm happy to finally be able to live with Carlos. We've been married for a little over 2 yrs and have only spend 3 mths of that living together to where we slept in the bed at night with each other every night. We spent weekends together some, and lived together with a weird schedule where he would be with me during the day, but not at night for a few months. Other than that we've been separated completely. We do so much better when we are together than apart. We're not good apart lol. We fight more. Though lately some of that can be attributed to my crazy hormones. They were crazy anyways, now they are just out there. Well goodnight blog. <3