Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

20 August 2012

Terrible Not Quite Two's

The day after Luna turned 19 months she hit the terrible 2's. Go ahead, I know, tell me it'll get worse. lol Trust me I know it can. I babysat my little cousin. She was the worst! *I love the girl to death though!*
Luna has her own opinion about everything. She will babble, motion, and scream until she gets that opinion across to. :-p It's so funny whenever my mom & I are chatting around her. She will start to talk as fast & loud as she can. Just like she's trying to keep up with our conversation.
She has all of her teeth now, minus of course the 2 year molars.
Yes she is "STILL" breastfeeding. :-)
She is walking, running, jumping, dancing, singing, & climbing.
She says some words. Everyday she adds a new few on. Right now she is saying pizza over & over again. lol She loves her some pizza!!
She LOVES to talk on the phone.
She eats like a little piggie. I have no clue where she puts all the food she eats. I mean seriously, she can eat a 1/2lb of livermush by herself!!!
She asks "pease" for everything....... and I do mean eevvverything!
She is doing sign language along with talking. She can sign: milk, more, food, chicken, please, thank you, finished, sleep, & poop. I'm sure there are a few more that I just can't think of right now. She also says: please, cookie, boobie, dog, max, mimi, mamaw, pop pop, mama, mommy, roxie, cat, pizza, boot, blue, no & no way (her favorite thing to say). There are so many other things that she says, but those are the more obvious ones.
She is by far the sweetest baby ever. She always wants to cuddle. I love it! Right now she is rubbing my leg. She is getting sleepy :-p We got up very early today bc I have a well check up during what would normally be nap time.

A quick update on my own life: I know I mentioned the last post my separation. Some more info on that....
I caught him cheating & in the middle of a web of lies back in June last year. I was going to try & work on things, but the lies just kept coming. By August I had decided I was done. My heart wasn't in it anymore bc of the lies, cheating, emotional abuse, & controlling. I got out, & it was the best thing I could do for myself, Luna, & my sanity. September 23, 2011 my legal separation was finalized.
Flash forward to now....
I have met a wonderful guy. I met him online, I have no shame in saying that. We talked for a few months before I finally had the time to meet him. We had been, & continue to, Skype every night. That way we could see each other, & its as close to a date as you can get. lol I already knew I liked him, he had told me how much he liked me, & I knew I wanted to date him. All before we actually met in person. When we finally did meet those feelings just grew. :-D I am so happy with our relationship so far, & I hope those feelings just continue to grow. I see no reason why they wouldn't. We have a date Friday, & I couldn't be more excited!!! Oh well it's time for Luna to take a nap (mommy too). So this short update is over with.


                                                   Always stop to smell the flowers
                                                  This is from Luna's birthday in January

James & me

                                                                  At Riverbanks Zoo

                                                             Picture by my friend Jose

04 March 2012

Update on Life

O_o geeees could I have waited any longer to post!? I think it's been almost exactly a yr since this last time I did. *sigh* It's not really that I forgot I just didn't want to deal w/ some stuff. Anyways!!
So update on my life, I'm separated. yeeeeeahh.... It's a long story & I'm not going to put it on blast where anyone could read it. I'll just say that I was done wrong to & I wasn't putting up w/ it any longer. I deserve better.
Now onto better things :-D Update on LUNA!!! (I mean that's what this blog is for, for the most part right!?) She has gotten sooooo big! She has 6 teeth up top & 2 on bottom. We've been dealing w/ her 1st molars coming thru the past couple of wks. She's dealing w/ it a lot better, but they are coming in so slow. She loves to feed herself. She looooves beans! She discovered ketchup & "dipping" this wk. lol She loves bread, meat, & well just about anything she can get in her mouth. She still isn't walking on her own, but she loves for you to hold her hands while she walks. I'm waiting on her to just take off one day, but I've been waiting on that for over a month hahaha. She's saying mama, bye bye, dog, meow, & a couple other things BUUUUTTT she doesn't say them a lot. She loves Adele, dancing, singing, & just going silly when any music is on. She is my little entertainer. :-D
I'll try to keep this updated more now that I have more time to get on here :-p